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King Soopers Reward Program


Here are additional instructions to link your King Soopers card to AHS Swim and Dive via the Mobile App:

  1. Open up the King Soopers App on your phone.
  2. In the upper right hand corner, click the four small white boxes which brings up a list with Shopping List, Recipes, Rewards, etc.
  3. In the Middle of this list page, click on My Account
  4. Under Loyalty, click on “Community Rewards"
  5. Here you will select either: 
  • Arapahoe Girls Swim and Dive with the code: QL378
  • Arapahoe Boys Swim and Dive with the code: LX676

Thank you for supporting the AHS Swim and Dive Teams!

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​Giving Fuel

The Arapahoe Warriors Booster Organization has partnered with Giving Fuel as a common fundraising platform for use by the Booster Clubs that support the various AHS Athletic and Activities. Click below to learn more:

Thank you for supporting the AHS Swim and Dive Teams!

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​Colorado Gives Day is a year-round, online giving tool featuring the missions, programs and finances of almost 3000 Colorado nonprofits. ColoradoGives is a safe and trusted way to support nonprofits, and each organization's online profile is screened by Community First Foundation to ensure specific standards of transparency.

Each December Coloradans come together with the common goal to strengthen the community by helping to power nonprofits. Community First Foundation and FirstBank partner to make this day rewarding for givers, nonprofits and the community as a whole.

As part of the Arapahoe Warriors Booster Organization, both the AHS Girls and Boys Swim & Dive Booster Clubs participate in ColoradoGives. Click below to learn more:

Thank you for supporting the AHS Swim and Dive Teams!

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Heart of a Warrior Scholarship

Looking for more information on the Heart of a Warrior Scholarship program, and how to donate to the fund for AHS Boys Swim and Dive Team? Click here, or look for link under the Boys Team tab above.

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