Heart of a Warrior Girls Swim & Dive Scholarship
This scholarship was established to encourage exceptional character, leadership, sportsmanship, and mentorship. It creates a new opportunity for our Warriors to express themselves and grow beyond academics, demonstrating the honor and courage it takes to be a Warrior.We hope to help build a strong foundation upon which our Warriors grow into outstanding members of their communities.
The scholarship is eligible for use to cover educational expenses incurred at any institution for higher education – university, college, technical school, technical training.
Recipient Evaluation Criteria
- Graduating senior
- Proven leadership within the team
- High character
- Honor
- Teamwork
- Mentorship to younger/new teammates
- Sportsmanship at meets
Attendance – General request to head coaches w/
list of all seniors.
- Practice
- Meets
- Team events – dinners, other team building
Nominee short essay
- What it means to be a Warrior
- How she has been a leader
- How has she impacted the team culture
Nomination Process
- Nomination required, including self-nomination
- Quick form w/ recipient criteria data fields - Fill out form here
- Nomination coordinator to prep nominations for review – Shannon Wehr
- Nomination committee to review anonymous nominations – Volunteers?
Interested in Making a Tax Deductible Donation to the Heart of a Warrior Scholarship?
- Venmo: @Arapahoe-SwimandDiveBooster
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